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After killing the Kraken the group work to tether it’s slowly sinking massive carcass to the Rust Alley Whalers ship, The Rust Bucket. After successfully completing this, Samugi notices two Bone Hunter ships (Little Maw and The Devil’s Kite) moving into the area. The remaining crew of The Rust Bucket seem resigned to their fate, the loss of their catch and likely death at sea until Varrick rallies them to fight.

The Bone Hunter ship flanks the crew and move to attack the Rust Bucket with an arcane wrecking ball/cannon contraption. Cassius reacting quickly cast a Wall of Force blocking the wrecking ball which ricochets backwards and explodes on the Little Maw causing a chain reaction with the other cannon balls and absolutely obliterating the ship and their crew. On the other side Sundara uses control water to slow down The Devil’s Kite but a number of Oni and Giants being boarding the ship and attacking. The group are able to fend off the attacking group while Sundara sinks the remaining enemy ship.

After the battle Varrick’s new trident speaks to him, stating that it knew he was worthy. He attempts to throw the trident off the stern of the ship but is unable to. He has a vision where a dark silhouetted creature questions his alliegance to The Raven Queen and in the end tells him that he had gained the favor of That Which Lies Beneath, who they later come to suspect is Dagen, The Prince of the Darkened Depths. The Kraken speaks to Varrick and requests that Varrick saves his bones and builds a shrine.

With the little healing they have, the group tries to help the few remaining members of the crew. Harland, one of the surviving ship mates, tells Sundara that she can always count on him in their future endeavors after what he witness them accomplish on the ship.


  • Ollie Silver - leader of the Rust Alley Whalers and captain of the Rust Bucket
  • Harland - member of the Rust Alley Whalers


  • The Open Seas
    • The Rust Bucket

Character Presence



Recap Video


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