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Months later, Varrick is at the Sea of Swords, where Ulrick presents a letter to Sarah from The Duke declaring the disbanding of the Sea of Swords and the repurposing of The Mortal Promise. They learn that Beaumont seems to plan for the dissolution of The Merchant Consortium entirely and will be issuing arrest warrants for Sarah, Varrick, and the rest of the Remnants on charges of conspiracy to commit murder. Sarah refuses to abandon New Calim, declaring that someone needs to stand up for the city’s people.

On behalf of Varrick, Otiluke messages Sundara, urging her to return to New Calim immediately. After meeting up with Varrick, Sundara relays the urgent message to Samugi and Allara before venturing to the Feywild to retrieve Cassius. Their journey unexpectedly takes six days due to time distortion. The Traveler reveals to Cassius that Dunsparrow is hidden beneath the Whispering Tower in New Calim. Beaumont and The Queen of Brightwater now prepare for a siege against The Sea of Swords, and despite her attempts, Sarah has received no word of a possible audience with the queen to plead their case.

Upon his return, Cassius gifts Allara a new broom of flying and presents Samugi with six astral stone arm bracelets. Meanwhile, a mysterious drow with slicked-back black hair arrives at The Mortal Promise, seeking those in charge. Introducing himself as Malcon, he claims ties to Brightwater but carries an unsettling, almost fiendish presence. Malcon suggests a deal: if the group eliminates the duke, he will take control of New Calim, offering immunity from the queen’s wrath. Malcon exudes raw, chaotic energy that Sundara’s instincts make her think he’s a devil. He claims to be a “rehabilitated devil” seeking to leave his fiendish past behind and become a governor, though his innate power feels far greater than he lets on.

Cassius uses Dream on Oswald Beaumont. He threatens to kill Cassius and details how he poisoned his daughter against him and he rather Cassius had killed her. His parting words carry a chilling promise: to kill Cassius last after destroying his loved ones.

Cassius summons the Traveler again, negotiating for a way to send Dunsparrow a message. The price is steep: the Traveler demands Cassius’s freedom in exchange. From then on, Cassius will remain tethered to the Material Plane. Cassius mounts a daring rescue, breaking into The Whispering Tower, and narrowly escaping with Dunsparrow after causing a distraction.



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