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After defeating the group that attacked them on the cliffside, their ship quickly departs the bay with their crew looking panicked and scared. Soon warships appear to start closing in on our location. They start closing in and before the group figures out their next steps the ships start shelling the area with massive amounts of cannon-fire. With a combination of teleportation spells they escape the area and Cas summons Lucky The Horse who teleports the group to the ethereal plane.

As they walk in the ethereal plane into Langston with a plan to go to the more abandoned Lost District, a hooded humanoid walks towards them. This creature leaves red-ish/purple wet footprints, is laughing to himself, and doesn’t speak. He has mangy blond hair, a mask molded to his face, white marble-like skin, and bloodshot red eyes without eyelids. He appears particularly interested in Cas. He eventually grabs him and goes through his belongings until finding a magical mug of alcohol and drinking it all.

Very unsettled, the group apperates into the material plane and encounter a halfling who believes they are some sort of false vision. Before they can talk to him, the creature from the ethereal plane appears and rips the halfling apart before finding a vial of Spark on him and consuming it. They decide to move the the district quickly but out of sight given all of the creepy occurrences.

They make it to a tower with a seemingly normal person shooting at an enraged man punching the tower, which they later learn is a wraith. Reyna tries to sneak onto a roof to get into the tower but instead breaks through and attracts the wraith to the people hiding in there. As the wraith destroys and consumes the humans inside, the group tries to convince the only normal person they have seen to let them into the tower and Sundara cast Banishment on the wraith. After some discussion, they tell (Abrams? group did not get his name) that they are going after The Bone King and he gives some tips of how the group can start dismantling his kingdom.

Before turning in for the night they try and scry on Dannyboy and learn he has been beaten up and is travelling in a carriage. They contact him and learn that he is going to be turned into tincture and knows that The Bone Hunters don’t think anyone is coming for him and that they know about ‘the promise and the silks.’ Members of The Harbor Ghost find out that Dannyboy is being transported to The Vultures Den, another faction that works with The Bone Hunters and are responsible for maybe 15% of tincture production.



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