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Leaving the dragon’s cave, the group decides to visit the Goliath camp to see if they have the final painting they need, Man at Park. The clan already appears to hold a measure of respect for them, Coren has told them of the battle and the dragon’s defeat.

They meet the clan chief, Ulvina of Klaine Serpe. She inspects Varrick closely, clearly attracted to him, and offers him a place in their clan. She recognizes him as having come from Klaine Serpe and believes he would do well among them.

Nearby, an elder Goliath woman with a mangled knee chisels runes into the mountainside. When Sundara asks about the history of the clan, they learn more about the origins of the Oni. If the Oni had never existed, the Goliaths claim, they would not be subservient to the gnomes of Kozah. Meanwhile, Veshca Cloudreader, the stroyteller, inscribes the story of Varrick slaying the dragon onto the Wall of Stories.

The Storyteller tells Varrick more about his origins. When the King of the Black Sky went missing, some goliaths fled south seeking a better life, especially after a change in leadership where a goliath named Varnack (aka Serpa) took control of the klan while wielding outside druidic influence. Among them were Ruik and Kara Earthstrider, Varrick’s parents, who perished in a shipwreck on their journey.

Ulvina describes the Cleansing Ritual of Earth and Fire, a method to exorcise an Oni from a possessed victim. It requires coaxing the Oni out before it is beaten to death. Knowing the Oni’s true name is necessary. The process involves baiting the Oni by offering a new, more desirable vessel soaked in the blood of Vaprak—once the Oni attempts to inhabit it, there is only a brief moment to strike while it remains in spiritual form. Any object blessed by a god or imbued with magic can be used to destroy it. In the village, Dalgar works on forging new weapons using Rhinethorne for this purpose.

That night, the clan hosts a feast in honor of The Remnants. Higher-ranking members, including Ulvina, Veshca Cloudreader, Coren, and the party, gather around a cozy fire. They enjoy speared dragon meat and spiced dragon sashimi. During the meal, Cassius shares a story about The Shale and the Auran Empire, recounting a prayer he received during his time at bardic college. Later, Coren and the Grovetenders present him with a pipe instrument crafted from bones, and they mention that they have something else for him at the end of the night.

Meanwhile, Sundara studies Gin Bon 4, trying to understand his nature. She finds he has a completely intact and unique mortal soul. He is not a vessel repurposed and the signature of his creation does not resemble anything a wizard or even Solonor could accomplish. More likely, he is a product of ancient Netheril—a form of manmade sentient life capable of self-propagation. His design is inherently magical, but the remarkable part is that he no longer requires magic to function. He is not bound by spells and cannot be undone, he simply exists.

As the night continues, Sundara and Varrick party hard. Sundara dances in the fire, while Varrick dances with Ulvina. Eventually, Sundara passes out, and Ulvina drapes a blanket over her before offering Varrick a place in her bedchambers. He declines and instead sleeps beside Sundara.

Elsewhere, Cassius meets with two Grovetender siblings, who offer to take him dreamwalking. He hears various voices giving him warnings (insert quote here) as well as hearing from Benzosia directly as if she knows him personally and there is history between them. He sees two women standing back-to-back, blades in hand—one with purple eyes, one with golden eyes—flames at their feet before they vanish. Shapes form in the fire: two serpents, one of radiant white flame and the other of inky blackness, creating and reshaping worlds. The white serpent’s wings are torn away, the dark serpent’s tail severed. The white serpent bleeds into Cassius’s hand, pleading for help.

Cassius runs out of the tent and the encampment, only to be met by a vague, shadowed figure—a humanoid female face obscured in darkness. A blade slams into the ground at his feet before a dark-haired angel crashes into him, pinning him against the wall. She warns him, telling him she is here to dissuade him from further interference, then slashes at him. Cassius fights desperately for his life before Allara arrives and provides support. Before retreating, the angel issues a final warning: “Do not tread upon a path that leads you against his creation.” Then she flies away.

As the dust settles, the goliaths, along with Sundara and Varrick, rush to Cassius, who recounts what happened. They suspect Benzosia may be connected to Faraday’s death. After some discussion, they decide to finish rescuing Samugi’s before turning their attention to this new, ominous development.


  • Gin Bon 4
  • Coren
  • Ulvina
  • Vescha Cloudreader


Character Presence



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