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Cassius digs into his knowledge of the Hangul Dynasty, telling the group about its imperialist past and current state of division. The younger generation pushes for cultural exchange and rebellion against the monarchy, creating an opportunity for the group to exploit. They also talk about using connections they have in New Calim in their plot to save Samugi.

Returning to the ship, they find it damaged—grazed by cannon fire and singed by spells. The group settles in for a long rest, Dunsparrow talks briefly with Cass, offering comfort to him regarding Varrick’s death. Later in the night, Cass wakes to find a gnome in his room, dagger drawn, demanding to talk. Out on the deck of the ship, Cass meets with Old Man Restore, who admits that Beaumont’s return is a problem for his organization, especially with the queen’s backing. While Cass has caused trouble, Restore sees a potential use for him and proposes that Cass and The Remnants eventually handle Beaumont. To help Resore and his family will buy them time for the city of New Calim and the Sea of Swords. Restore assigns Shar, a skilled thief, to join The Remnants.

Shar and Cass discuss their shared connection to The Traveler Cass acknowledges his affiliation to the god but makes it clear he isn’t particularly religious.

The group debates their next steps, considering their history of loud, direct action as described by Dunsparrow. Shar suggests involving goblins armed with explosives. Cass provides insight into the Dynasty’s geography, noting its isolation and lack of seafaring trade and they decide discretion will be key to gaining entry. Initially thinking of approaching by airship but then deciding that goes against their plan of discretion.

Before leaving they discuss repairs and stock up on ammunition, including creating their own breaching slugs designed by Klagger, Briggs, and Sundara using a solid amount of gold. As they leave they do a drive-by bombing on the Clockwork Sentinel factory in New Calim. They do a warning bomb to protect the civilians inside, but misfires of the goblin bombers leads to minimal factory damage and some goblin casualties. Briggs talks with remaining goblins about doing more training.

As they near Langston, they spot several ships that initially appear to be whaling vessels. However, their movements become suspicious, blocking the group’s path. Sundara adjusts course, but the ships continue to follow.

They realize these ships are trying to intercept them and they prepare for battle. Despite The Icebreaker sending warning shots, the ships replace their flags with pirating flags. A face emerges—Captain Oliver Bentley standing at the helm of one of the ships demanding revenge.



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