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On The Icebreaker the group face off against Phaerimm. Sundara and Varrick teleport back from New Calim into the middle of a chaotic battle. They find that the Phaerimm are resistant to many types of attacks, they can predict the upcoming melee attacks against them, and they consume spells cast nearby, along with other abilities that make them formidable opponents. As its dying action, one Phaerimm reaches out to Sundara telepathically and tells her, “I have tasted your magic before,” with a dark and ominous hatred in its words. After destroying the two Phaerimm on their ship and dispelling the illusory Phaerimm, they approach Valendri. Sundara notices that some isles are smaller and some are missing entirely.

Griffin riders approach and shoot warning arrows at the ship, which is unusual given how magical the Valendrian people generally are. Allara cast protection spells in preparation for battle, but upon landing on the ship and seeing Sundara, Archivist Thelion escorts the ship onto the isles. They request she fully powers the ship down before taking them to her mother Solara. On the way, Sundara notices that the magical arcanotech that powers Valendri is inactive, the people now are working by torchlight and bonfires, and it is not as pristine and polished as it once was. On reuniting, Sundara and her mother Solara hug deeply, she tells her about their struggles with the Phaerimm, how Faraday has been helping by supplying weapons, and the loss of some of their best warriors, including Sundara’s father, Cyndir.

For safety reasons they have to relinquish their magical items. Upon touching the staff from Gunner meant for Ironsoul, Samugi has a vision. He sees himself running up the side of a colossus, presumably Aurunat, The Inevitable, and using the staff to strike it down and bring it to it’s knees. He then sees a monk in a sandy cave looking directly at Samugi before drawing a line in sand in what appears to be some type of challenge.

After discussing further with her mother and other Valendrian leadership Sundara learns more about the Phaerimm and her own ancestry. The Phaerimm have created tunnels under the islands and are sustaining themselves on the magical engines that power Valendri. There is a central hive with a Phaerimm Queen, but any who get too close fall under her spell and do not return. Alexi Faraday has been sending Psionic Weapons to help defend against them. Additionally, Sundara learns that Valender (a founder of Valendri) was her grandfather, and also went by the name, Karsus, the one who cast the spell Karsus’ Avatar. He intentionally chose to embody Mystrala in order to disrupt the weave and to starve and kill off the Phaerimm; the magic stored in the city of Valendri protected it from falling out of the sky.


  • Thelion - keeper of ancient tomes, griffin rider
  • Galendri - griffin rider
  • Solara Elisthorn
  • Captain Guard Alaric
  • High Scholar Illeyana - keeper of memories


Character Presence



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