Worshippers of a Duregar God, dwarves that believe in the power of conquest and feel they are the best of all races. Originating in Igenstad. Gunner Ironford was previously a Paladin of The Church, but broke his oath and since them has been a major PITA for the church. On the day the group escaped from Ironford Prison, dwarves of the church had also attempted his assassination.
High Priestess Helga Frag is the leader of the Church. She was in possession of a “heretical” dagger that she offered to Cassius to kill Gunner with. She offered a way to get The Remnants into prison and said there would be a distraction to help them.
At the last will and testament reading of Gunner, Helga is furious when he bequeaths a large deposit of dark iron to Solonor.