Sundara and Elowen’s parents. Solara, their mother, is an elf appearing to be in her 20s, but possibly over 1,000 years old. Cyndir, their father, has a compassionate presence. Her parents are loving and nurturing and emphasized the importance of the Valendri way of life to their children.

Her parents showed nothing but support for Sundara’s decision to leave Valendri and saw her off on her journey with love and hope.

Solara is the daughter of Valender, but she chose to have the specific memories of the end of his life taken away and is not aware that he is also Karsus and was responsible for the fall of the rest of the floating islands in the past. She is approaching her 1132 birthday at the coming solstice.

Cyndir was lost fighting the Phaerimm and has been missing for 2 weeks now.