

Karsus Folly

cover hm-sm

Major Political FiguresAlexi Faraday

Notable Locations


  • Arcane Quarter
  • Alchemy Districts
  • The Enclave
  • The Enchanting Ward

Other Points of Interest

Notable Characters


City dedicated to wizards and the study of magic.

14 massive wizard towers throughout the city. One tower in the center is fractured and frozen in time in various fragments falling apart. At the base of the frozen-in-time tower matter appears to have been stretched out as if it is in the middle of an implosion.

The overall vibe is a collective of haughty wizards in a dick measuring contest who do not believe in talking about their shortcomings or mistakes. They steal from each other and duel constantly to prove they are better than each other. They don’t talk about their mistakes or injuries, because it is seen as weakness. Given this there aren’t many options for disenchanting gear or healing magic.

Other General Notes

A magician named Igor, who we met in the Delmiri Desert, lost his position in Karsus Folly because of a person named Kludstein.

The unknown clockwork apparatus that opened a portal destroying the Voidwing Sisterhood originated in Karsus Folly (and was later discovered to have been created by Alexi Faraday).