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After seemingly granted safe passage, the group travels pass the island of Nindral. Varrick ask Cassius for help getting a new Ring of Water Walking, which he is able to accomplish with the use of orchard glass.
As they continue to travel northward, they encounter an abandoned and adrift FETC ship Cassius is unable to detect any life on board but senses multiple magical objects and some sort of enchantment effect. In various parts of the shift they see signs of weeks of sun bleaching, with humanoid shapes left over in the wood, preserved and petrified bone, and cloth that is held barealy held together and disintegrates once touched. There are also multiple gashes in the ship that appears as if something sharp penetrated the deck of the ship in multiple directions. On the most recent manifest only one item is listed, written in Infernal and coming from Drakemire, The Ruby Dawn.
As Varrick and Sundara explore the ship further there is a horrid stench coming from a room with numerous locks. Varrick seems to set off a trap as they enter, but the magic of the trap had already been utilized saving his life. There are multiple bodies surrounding an open chest, upon closing the chest from a distance there seems to be some magical activation. They grab a few clues and once a cacophony of voices arise from the depth of the ocean below them, they rush aboard The Icebreaker and quickly escape. On The Icebreaker Cassius reads about the transaction between an unknown person and Benzosia with ‘appropriate confidentiality’ the letter is addressed to a ‘Cromwell.’ The instructions on how to transport the item include keeping it in a room with no one inside and a Drakemirian Courth Enchanter kill box.
On arriving in the North, Cassius tells the crew of The Icebreaker to go enjoy their time and that we would call them when needed. They meet with the contacts of The Undertavern Waterdancer and Shripboy. Who bring them into *** an underground trading enclave. There they meet Silverfang who gives them a job. They are to retrieve a shipment of goods that were intercepted on the way to Namdang by a group of barbarians. This camp, called the Stronghold of Zolgash, is 17 miles north/northeast and they have not had success retrieving it in the past. The shipment includes 3 Anglewood Paintings (Dog on a Bed, Man at Park, and Night Out), Sword of the Avenger, a folding boat, The Gamblers Blade. The tell them that the paintings need to be stored in certain condition, most especially not getting wet, not to attune to the sword, and to avoid talking about water based things or words, any of these could depreciate the items value.
After purchasing some cloaks the start the trek up north. The find a warforged creature completely frozen in the snow and missing an arm. Sundara uses Wall of Fire to thaw his. He looks identical to Ironsoul and states his name is Gin Bon 4 and that he is known as a Meongshin. He decides to follow the group feeling obligated to help them since they saved his life.
- Waterdancer
- Shrimpboy
- Silverfang
- Gin Bon 4
- The Open Sea
- Kozah
Character Presence
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