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The group made quick work of the attacking Oni and get back on the ship for a brief respite while planning their next steps. They decide to continue their search for Ironsoul, they find what appears to be his cave and enter. Ironsoul, a warforged creature with smooth wraith-like movements, jumps down from his plateau and ask them why they have come. They eventually convince him to sit for a moment to talk and discuss their plan to deliver his staff from Gunner Ironford and eventually they admit to their role in collecting Pieces of The Inevitable. Ironsoul draws a line in the sand and says he will only give it to those who are worthy.

After a difficult battle they seemingly bring down Ironsoul, who then turns into a warforged dragon. Although they contemplated fleeing at one point, the group fights on and defeat Ironsoul, but leaving him alive. He removes the Silks of the Moonwarden and gives them to Samugi. They provide him with a healing potion. Answering her previous question, he briefly mentions to Sundara that he was brought back from Mechanus by Solonor and Valender long ago. Vale asks Ironsoul if they could count on his help in the future if needed and he replies, “If a chance come and my help will make a difference, I will be of assistance.”



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