Below of an island in the Skyshattered Isles outside of Valendri. Previously where Solonor lived. Sundara lived with Solonor in this workshop for months where she began formally studying her magic abilities. There are clockwork scraps for building prototypes and devices, large open areas for practicing magic, and a study with a sitting area and books. He does a majority of his work and projects at this location. Gave Sundara a key to the workshop and requested that she visit alone sometime (Session 56).
Sundara visited the workshop with Cassius. Cassius looked at Clockwork Devices made by various apprentices and stole one of Solonor’s journals on the various planes and travelling through them. Portions of the workshop were damaged after Solonor was not able to maintain his magical strength after casting a Wish spell.
Quickly after this Alexi Faraday attacked the workshop directly destroying most of the clockwork sentinels and the workshop itself. Anastasia begun working on repairs in the aftermath of the battle.